Two years ago I wrote my second TnT blog post, Making Sense of the Senseless. This week I wrote about time and timing, and here I am, thinking that 11 September 2001 seems both so long ago AND like yesterday.
Twenty years have flown, and overall, yes, I’ve been having fun like the saying goes, but the reality is I’ve dealt with a lot of not-so-fun shit too. WE’VE dealt with and are still dealing with so many senseless situations.
If I could have one wish come true, then I would wish for unending abundance of compassion and kindness, shown in the behavior of many Americans during the days and weeks immediately following 11 September 2001. I wish for everyone to LOVE one another.
Why can’t that be our everyday behavior? Why ISN’T that our standard behavior? Why do we need tragedy or catastrophe to prompt us to put aside differences to come together and work together? Why is everything a competition? Why is it so difficult to put ego aside?
It is a CHOICE to act with compassion… empathy… kindness… LOVE…
Lead with love…
Choose LOVE.
Luceat lux vestra.