“Now is the only thing of which you can be fully certain. Stay mindfully in the present. Fill it with compassion, empathy, kindness, and love. Let your thoughts and actions create your future.”
– Leenie at 1:11 AM EST today, sharing a Facebook memory

I love words like “present” that have multiple definitions. You have to rely on context in order to understand its meaning, but sometimes more than one definition works. Either way, you have to lean in and focus your attention to get it.
Thanksgiving 2019. This time last year, Chief Daddy was in the hospital. For Thanksgiving Dinner, he had hospital food, and I had a P3 protein pack and diet Coke from the vending machine.
You might think that sucks because it wasn’t the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, but I felt happy because of all the things for which I felt grateful. At that point, if I were still working a traditional job, I would have had the stresses that go with taking time off from work to be there for my dad. I felt so much gratitude for being available to talk to doctors and nurses on my dad’s behalf when he was confused, for my dad’s dedicated service to the United States Navy that made his medical care affordable… I won’t list everything for which I was and continue to be grateful, but my attitude in those present moments that are now in the past contributed to future gratitude. Now.
Today we had a Chandler Bing Thanksgiving meal of grilled cheese and Funyuns. Not because I’m being a Chandler and hating on Thanksgiving, but even without the current situation with coronavirus and trying to prevent further spread by limiting gatherings, truth be told, I don’t even have gas money in my budget to be able to visit Chief Daddy. Shit, I still have to come up with gas money to get to a part-time job tomorrow and Saturday, so if you’re reading this and feel called to help me by throwing $5 in my tip jar via PayPal Friends and Family, thank you. Sincerely, I thank you for your support with not only getting to a job site, but also in helping me continue to use this blog as a way to shine my light on things that I hope contribute to you being all-zen-and-shit.
Today I was thinking about the past and the times when I could have been worried, angry, bitter, or any low-vibrating feelings. I didn’t ignore them, but I learned to make peace and let go because what I did then, when those times were the present, dictated my future. I was worthy of and deserved to give myself a better future.
Today I feel grateful that I am spending Thanksgiving Day with both of my Keets because it’s been a few years since all three of us were together. Even in the times that I haven’t been able to spend the day with loved ones or friends, I felt grateful just to have people in my life… in my heart… Today is no different. Miles don’t separate us.
Today I feel grateful for recognizing and appreciating what matters most. When I let my thoughts and actions be fueled by compassion, empathy, kindness, and love, the future holds more of the same to flow back to me.
In simple terms, don’t be a shitty person if you want a happy future for yourself.
Thanksgiving. Gratitude. A key in receiving abundance. It reminded me of my sorority and “To receive much, you must give much” which I cited eight months ago in Mercy. I needed to read that again so I can stay on my path even though it’s getting tough and some days I feel ready to give in and give up, but today I also received reminders that sometimes we have to change our perspective. Things aren’t always what they seem… sometimes we have a limited view… the whole thing about “you don’t have to see the whole staircase…”
What I do see is now. The present. And I feel grateful to be here writing, and grateful to you for reading. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Luceat lux vestra.