In my previous blog post, Brave: I Let the Words Fall Out, and a Portal Opened, I mentioned that I started using TikTok and at the time I had 893 followers. I will write a separate TikTok post, but for the record, I hit 1,000 followers a week ago! And at the moment, I’m 99 followers away from hitting 2,000! Yay! What this means is the potential to shine my light and reach at least that many people on one platform. Please stay tuned for the TikTok post because I will also be mentioning some of my favorite TikTok creators who inspired and supported me within my first couple of weeks of actively using my account. Without them, I would not have been able to grow as quickly and easily as I have within a month.
ANYWAY, after I followed Sara Bareilles’ request to “show me how big your brave is” everything flows more freely. Connections, ideas, inspiration. A while back, my beloved Surfpirate and I were talking about Donovan’s Catch the Wind, and I recalled how I meant to learn it for a very dear mutual friend, Connie, except that my shitty guitar skills wouldn’t cut it and at the time it didn’t occur to me to try to learn it on ukulele like I did this weekend. [Check out my ukulele rendition on YouTube, please! And please subscribe. It’s a no-cost action that helps Tacos and Tiaras grow! Thank you.]
Connie died before I even recorded an a cappella version of it. <heavy sigh> She actually was the reason I started publishing my “bleeps and blunders” recordings. They made her laugh, and if I could bring cheer to her even when she was in her final days in hospice care, maybe I had the ability to do the same for everyone else. I mean, seriously… think about it.
I have lots more to babble, but lemme get to the point, GO FOR IT! Try and catch the wind because you just might. When I let go of comparing myself to better musicians, better writers, better whatevers and took my space in sharing what I have to offer, I learned that I am enough. I thought authors and influencers were such because they shared their story about overcoming tragedy or trauma, but if my own being-all-zen-and-shit is enough for me, if shining my light through humor, music, and positivity is making a difference in my friends’ lives and they are passing it along to their friends when one of my posts or pics or videos resonates, then I can effectively share it directly beyond my little circle. And I’m doing it!!!
And I feel grateful to everyone who has led by example and everyone who continues to encourage and support me in letting my light shine so that maybe one of my creations is a reason to smile or laugh. YOU are enough, so go and shine!
Luceat lux vestra.