“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self Reliance
I ran across this quote yesterday and thought, “Oh, I like that… so true…” and so on, but I didn’t realize that I would come back to it today. Today was one of those days where I physically feel great, but mentally and emotionally I was all over the place. It took me a while to settle down enough and begin to ground myself enough to figure out what I need so that I could begin processing all of my feelings.
Yesterday marked eight years of having the same roof over my family’s head. In April 2012, I started the process of having a new house built, and after delays, some quite frustrating because the house should have been ready before the end of August, 14 September was the day I closed on it.
The whole process from start to finish – working with the sales office, the builder, the designer, and the bank – and paying the mortgage is just me, myself, and I. And it just reminds me how capable I am on my own.
My independence is a blessing and a curse, but definitely more of a positive attribute… most of the time.
I said it back in March – I felt comfortable with the stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of coronavirus because I welcome solitude. Shit, I pretty much embrace it because it protects my energy.
So when I am alone and feeling like I am out of sorts, it helps to get a reminder from Emerson. “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”
I chatted with my Huckleberry and the Surfpirate today, but ultimately I am responsible for making my choices with working through my thoughts and feelings and to arrive at being all-zen-and-shit.
I sat with my Passion Planner for a while this afternoon and decluttered my brain. I felt better after writing a few bulleted lists and setting a couple of goals for this week. I felt a little more grounded from SEEING my scribbles instead of letting thoughts bounce around in my head.
So now, yeah, I feel a little more at peace with myself today. And it’s just shy of midnight. I’d say that makes it a good day.
Luceat lux vestra.