Let me jump right in as if I was talking to you right now. Disregard conventional or formal writing because if I stay within those guidelines, I’m going to lose my flow. “Better beautiful than perfect anyway.” 😉
Earlier this week, I didn’t have my camera ready when I thought I saw an American Goldfinch. I hurried back in the house to get my camera, and the bird was gone.
This happened several times the past three days, and I had a good laugh with my friend, Suzie, an official crazy bird lady. I was able to snap a few pics of “yellow bird sightings” with my phone, knowing that Suzie would appreciate it because last week she lamented about an encounter with an Indigo Bunting sans camera.

Earlier this morning I decided to bring my camera out with me whether or not I planned on watching birds because it’s always those times of being unprepared that the “sought-after” birds come and visit. That’s when I caught a few shots of a pine warbler at a feeder.
So I had seen a female American Goldfinch as well as a pine warbler, but not the male American Goldfinch that I thought I saw on Monday. At this point, I was no longer certain that I saw him.
I was sitting here at my laptop after downloading bird pics off my camera’s SD card, feeling grateful for simple things, like bird watching, because my daily routine includes sitting outside first thing in the morning to listen and watch for all of my visitors. Please visit my Instagram account where I try to keep up with posting bird pics.
I felt pleased with myself for stopping my pattern of not bringing my camera outside. I felt grateful for the pics I took this morning.
And then I heard it. Outside. The series of chirps.
The American Goldfinch call.

I laughed and asked, “Why is everything a fucking metaphor?” Seriously. My week has been one amazing thing after another when I am allowing them to come to me and happen instead of trying to make them arrive on what I think their timeline should be.
And the calls or messages are out there waiting to be heard if I listen.
I’ve also been experiencing a lot of reinforcement regarding how I have all the answers within me. Again, I keep chasing those and want to find clear-cut or obvious answers to my questions. I’ve been realizing that when I’m having conversations with someone else even when it’s not exactly on the topic that I’ve had on my mind, my answers to my own damn questions to come to the surface. And I feel gratitude for the divine continuing to present me with what I need from within… building my trust in following divine guidance. I feel thankful for more assurance that coincidences do not exist and even some of the pieces that seem least connected actually do come together in a bigger picture.
Every time I consciously and earnestly say, “Thank you” I receive more for which to be thankful.
And it didn’t escape me that maybe hearing the call of the goldfinch was more than listening and following a call, both literally and figuratively. Maybe the American Goldfinch speaks and provides guidance in his presence alone.
Luceat lux vestra.