I may have a thing for alliteration. LOLz Taco Tuesday, Tacos and Tiaras, Tacos and Tiaras Tuesday… and now FAVORITE THINGS FRIDAY! (Of course this coincides with my BFF-Erika’s Filter-Free Friday although I’m filter-free everyday LOL)
In addition to nightly gratitude, these weekly observances help me with regular reflection on the bigger picture. Think of it like church on Sunday and Bible study on Wednesday. 😉
Speaking of bigger pictures, the image for this post shows my favorite single malt scotch and favorite socks in the foreground. If you look closely at the background, the “Aux Buttes Chaumont –Â Jouets” poster from Monica and Rachel’s apartment hangs above my couch. On any given day, favorite things may take center stage or they may be quietly present, waiting in the wings.
TANGENT ALERT – I went 1,600 days from June 2014 to October 2018 without drinking alcohol just to see how long I could keep up an alcohol-free streak when I realized I had gone three weeks without a drink. I may have a thing for streaks too.
Some of my favorite things, whether they’re objects or activities, aren’t part of my daily life. I mean, I have to wash my socks sometime! Over the years I learned how to eliminate sentimental or emotional attachment to objects, so now to me, favorite things are the ones that make me light up when I get to enjoy them, and especially when I get to enjoy them with my favorite people! (hee hee I just thought of scotch and getting “lit” hee hee)
With the common work week of Monday through Friday, we find it easy to also fall into the pattern of looking forward to Friday because it means the start of the weekend and having time off from work, so we can enjoy the things we have. If we look too far ahead, we miss out on the present moment.
Why wait until the weekend? Make time during the week to not only feel grateful for all that you have but also to appreciate everything that makes your favorite things possible – the ability to work, the job that provides income and benefits, the time to enjoy them, and the people with whom you may share enjoyment of your favorite things. Make it part of your present even if only through the attitude of gratitude instead of setting your sights on the future that has not yet arrived.
Luceat lux vestra.