This morning, I was sitting on my couch, recording my daily guidance in my journal when I saw the yellow-orange color flash past my window. I knew it wasn’t the American Goldfinch – I saw just enough to recognize a different color and size bird – so I grabbed my camera before I even went to the door to see who it was.
I felt so much joy in snapping a few shots before he flew away, then I used the Merlin app to confirm he’s a Baltimore Oriole. I googled its symbolism – summer is coming and positive changes are on their way. I felt even happier to find, Oriole: Weaving New Sunshine, by Nadine Marie. She and I have too much in common for this to be anything but divine orchestration, so now I’m following her blog.
Thank you, Mr Oriole, for visiting and encouraging me. I am so grateful for your help with staying in my lane and finding another light on a similar journey.
My life has become magical, metaphorical, and mystical, and as the oriole reminded me, much of it comes from reconnecting with and continuing to heal my inner child. I’ve carried forward all of the things that brought me joy as a child. After many life and soul-journey lessons, some that made it easy for me to lose my way from my path, I’ve been working on learning, healing, and creating my future as I’ve always dreamed it.
We face so many illusions that may make us think we’re unable to attain our goals and dreams, but when we find the maps and guides that make sense for our journey and consistently use them, we travel more easily and encounter fewer illusions. Nothing is too far fetched for the universe when we are aligned and grateful and sincerely believe in every way that we will receive whatever we envision and ask to receive. One of the speakers in The Secret simplifies it as ordering a cup of coffee at a restaurant. We expect to receive the cup of coffee. It’s that easy. And it may take time, but our energy of believing we will receive what we ask for as though we already have it is what attracts it.
I feel so much gratitude for those who shine their light so brightly from their path that their light illuminated my path too. I appreciate their leadership and courage in going first, their encouragement and support in helping me move forward on my path, so that my light shines for others to see their own unique path. The world needs us all to embrace our own uniqueness and align with our authentic selves; we need to show up as who we are meant to be in order to live our roles in creating peace through justice.
This is likely to be the last time I directly address anything that currently is going on in our world. If you read my blog regularly, then you know my calling is a storyteller, lightworker, healer, sacred rebel, priestess… Therefore, my purpose is to stay with the bigger picture so that it helps you to be who you are meant to be and come as you are to working for change.
Working for justice and creating peace is like building a house – some pour the foundation, some erect the frame, some install wiring, plumbing, drywall… Everyone has a job for their expertise or simply what they’re good at doing by nature. We need everyone to fill their role the way their strengths, talents, and skills bring out their best. We need everyone to bring their authentic self.
“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We are all affected by any injustice in this world.
Encourage others to do what feels right for themselves. We have no time for judging each other or trying to make each other fit into our own perceptions or expectations. “Life is very short and there’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.” – The Beatles
Reminder – we do not know what someone else is going through, which is all the more reason to not judge others.
Let no one be shamed for doing their best to be the change by being authentic and doing it to the best of their ability.
Your life is still happening and when you have good things to celebrate, share them! We still need good news and you still deserve a celebration.
Stay focused on what YOU are doing and how you are contributing to POSITIVE actions and interactions to attract positive changes and positive behaviors.
Come from a place of love – for humanity, for yourself. Let go of the negative, low vibrations of fear or even hate and anger.
With all of the noise, be open to hearing other perspectives – ego aside, removing yourself from the picture – and try to understand and learn.
If you need a reminder about being nice and how kindness breeds kindness, listening to others, finding your purpose, building your tribe, and other guidance on working to what you want in this world, please find 12 minutes 40 seconds to hear it from Kristen Bell when she delivered the commencement at address at USC School of Dramatic Arts in 2019.
“When you listen as fiercely as you want to be heard, when you respect the idea that you are sharing the earth with other humans, when you lead with your nice foot forward, you’ll win. Every time. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but it comes back to you when you need it.”
– Kristen Bell
Luceat lux vestra.
Recent topics related to staying true to yourself in response to national and world issues: