…people are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”
– Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

I have so much in Leenie Brain right now, so this might flow all over the place; therefore, I appreciate your patience and willingness to take some Dramamine, put on your seat belt, and enjoy the ride. Thanks for your time.
Personal Legend. It’s what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is.”
– Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
The picture for this blog post was taken in Bangalore in December 2018. (Click here for the first related post followed by India Part 2 and India Part 3) If I remember correctly, this was the third night of the trip, and we were finished with dinner, chatting and listening to live music.
When my dinner companions weren’t looking, I went over to talk to the vocalist/guitarist and asked if he’d allow me to sing a song to them. And heck yeah, they were surprised! We sang, “Take Me Home Country Roads” then while he was taking a break, he allowed me to borrow his guitar and serenade them at our table.
It had been years since I last sang in public, and I forgot how exhilarating it is to perform in front of an audience whether as a soloist or in an ensemble. I spent a lot of time on stage when I was growing up, and singing to my dinner group reminded me how much I enjoyed entertaining others through music. It wasn’t about sounding great or performing flawlessly. I just wanted them to smile, maybe even laugh.
If a person is living out his Personal Legend, he knows everything he needs to know. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
– Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Ever since I was a young child, I felt happy when I could cheer up someone else or simply make them grin or chuckle. I still have cassette tapes somewhere, the recordings were made on my dad’s old dictation recorder. I used to pretend to have television shows or radio programs! I feel grateful that my mom encouraged me to use my imagination.
And as much as I loved music, I didn’t pursue it because, as mentioned in a previous blog post, I was NOT one who enjoyed spending time practicing. Furthermore, to make a career of it meant having to practice because the opportunities are so competitive.
When it came time to make decisions about post-secondary education and potential careers, the guidance I received was not so much about passion as it was about matching interests and skills with a career. Practical. Safe.
Thirty years ago we didn’t have all of the vehicles for entertainment that we do now, so I had no clue that today I would have these opportunities to reach so many people! Thousands. And I feel grateful when I learn that someone enjoyed a video, a picture, a blog post… whatever I created to fulfill what feels like my Personal Legend… my mission… my life purpose… Lightworker. Alchemist.
…life is really generous to those who pursue their Personal Legend.”
– Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Everything is still coming together, but I feel so grateful for every person, every nudge, every bit of encouragement and support to take the first step – know that I already am enough and just let the creativity flow.
I feel grateful for the memories that have been bubbling up from my heart and popping into conscious mind.
I feel grateful for feeling the certainty that I am on the right path because the Universe has been so generous in delivering what I asked for in my intentions.
I feel grateful for the people who see my light, and when it illumines their path, I’ve somehow given them what they need for taking their next steps. I’d venture to say that anyone who has the balls to TRY instead of fearing failure DESERVES their success. 🙂
Luceat lux vestra.