Magic is in the heart of the believer.”
– Tacos and Tiaras Eileen

Last week when I wrote, Magic Moments: The Princess of Spring, I had so much to say and intended on continuing in a new post the next day. Well, here we are four days later, and it finally arrived.
On Friday I felt a little disappointed that I let time get away from me while I was playing ukulele and singing, letting the camera roll in case anything post-worthy transpired. And from that session came THREE TikToks that I posted on Instagram as well. LOL Even though I intended to write a follow up blog post, thinking that was the priority task of my mission, my TT/IG family came through for me again with the comments that reminded me I was shining my light through my videos and making them smile or laugh… raising the vibration… using music and some humor to help bring healing and light to whomever needs it. We never know how or with whom our light and our messages will resonate.
I allow life to flow freely through me. I am open to experience this moment as it is.”
– From the art of Melanie Veazey, Impact Coaching and Wellness
Since I started writing this post, more has transpired. This post’s artist, Melanie Veazey, and I have been catching up here and there today, and both of us shared stories with each other about how our posts or conversations made a difference with feeling unstuck or less lost with something where we previously had been chasing movement. We also experienced how another person could “be the eyes” for us and see what we were overlooking or where we needed to change perspective to see it.
Today Melanie and I were both celebrating that we feel happier, even different from who we were when we felt like we weren’t where we thought we should be or in my case, when she helped me to arrive at accepting “what is”, allowing it to be as is, and embracing it as is. The outcome is authentic and I do dare to say “beautiful”.
I feel grateful to have friends like Melanie and all of the the social media creators who shine their light and find each other… I want sooooo much to give shoutouts to each person who has become a strong connection in the past year, but with so many creators and so many ways in which they’ve been key in helping me to find my mission and grow as a creator and a person, I’ll leave it at that. Regardless of their niche, with or without direct interaction, I feel empowered by their messages, and with that courage to just let my actions be authentic, my light shines brightest and serve as the sunshine in someone’s day, illumine someone’s path, or even act as a beacon for those who need me.
Because of someone else answering her soul’s calling and have the courage to shine her light, I have been able to invite and allow the arrival of magic moments. I’ve mentioned Jaclyn Johnston before, and I feel grateful to her for shining her light because I found her, and her book, Don’t Feel Stuck! has helped me to bring thoughts and dreams into reality. First I had the realization that it’s extremely likely that when I was actively journaling in my teens and 20s, I may have been manifesting without realizing it. (LOL I feel like The Charmed Ones learning to use their powers)
In the past few months of following Jaclyn’s guidance and methods for journaling. (Buy her book if you want to manifest your abundance!) I have gratefully received many of the intentions I set, including the arrival of the love of my life, and I already feel grateful for everything that is already on its way to me. In the past six months or so, I have become more and more detailed in writing the intentions of what I want to receive and their value in my life purpose and mission. I have also worked through unblocking flows, healing, letting go of fears and what does not serve me so that I can take necessary actions, and building my confidence to honestly believe that I deserve and am worthy of receiving my intentions.
My son alerted his pastor on Saturday that he was ready, and last night he was baptized. He and I have had so many philosophical and theological discussions, so when he sent me a text and invited me to come to church and witness his baptism, he said, “I’m getting baptized tomorrow. I know you’re not religious but I would love it if you attended.” I sent back to him, “I wouldn’t miss it. This is part of who you are the the path you felt called to on your journey. I will always support you finding YOUR way through YOUR life. I’m not religious, but I do believe in a divine existence that I think is all the same energy of love.”
Listening to Pastor Sammy, his sermon felt so affirmative that my son and I have different ways of viewing the same divine, loving source. To me, God is the personified view and saying prayers is the same as setting intentions. We must acknowledge the higher power, be sincerely humble, invite and allow our intentions to arrive as divinely orchestrated by the higher power that sees everything and can align everything and everyone accordingly, and in all things celebrate our gratitude. Inner joy invites abundance.
The world needs us to shine our authentic, unique light and use our gifts, talents, and strengths to serve the higher power. Each of us must answer our own soul’s calling, live our life purpose, and fulfill our mission with compassion, empathy, kindness, and love and with the grace and mercy of the divine, loving source. We shine brighter together, and we lovingly can and will heal the world.
Luceat lux vestra.