“Once upon a time your mama knew what it meant to shine.”
– Birdee Pruitt, Hope Floats
A friend posted this quote on Facebook, so here I am, abandoning another topic in progress in order to write this blog post because I felt a connection between the Hope Floats quote and another friend’s Facebook post last night: “Ever feel like you don’t belong? I love everyone but feeling so sad these days.”
I can guess why she’s feeling sad based on our past conversations, and if others disagree with her authenticity and honesty to the point of no longer associating with her, then I wish for her the grace and peace that comes from letting go of those relationships. May the weight of sadness fall away, so she finds the light of hope within her and lets it shine.
“Just give hope a chance to float up.”
– Birdee Pruitt, Hope Floats
This post is for her, to lift her in light and love. And for the sake of this post, I’ll call her, Hope. A few years ago, Hope was a new mom and her premature daughter needed not only medical care but also hope. I haven’t told her how much her experience influenced me as a daughter caring for my parents, taking every step with hope.
Hope, you are a Warrior Woman, and you inspired me to believe that no matter how difficult life can be, hope is always there. You belong to those who need your light and the same hope that you showed when your little girl faced a rough start. Regardless of the life situations, hope is always the positive component in manifesting a desired outcome.
Thank you for giving me a message to share. Hope, you still know what it means to shine…
Bernice Pruitt: My dad says that childhood is the happiest time of my life. But, I think he’s wrong. I think my mom’s right. She says that…
Birdee Pruitt: Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. That’s what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will, too.
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