Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.”
– Roy T. Bennett

Two months have passed since my last post, No Other Way, but I have not lacked topics for blog posts. I actually started this post more than a month ago, but I just couldn’t get focused enough, then I let time get away from me, and I’m okay with that because I believe in my heart that even when something doesn’t happen in the timeline I’ve planned, it’s still “on time” with a divinely-timed plan.
Dear Mommy,
It’s still easier to write to you, especially because you’ve been on my mind a lot more – 23 December is almost here. Three years without your physical presence. Three years of grief changing shape and intensity. Three years of learning to recognize your presence. 333. 88.
Love never dies, and because you loved me, you will live forever.
I’ve already started reflecting on this year. The past eight months have been a new chapter, starting with that magical day in April (Magic Moments: The Princess of Spring). I believe in my heart that you’re doing what angels do. Thanks, Mommy!
Thanks for leading me home to my dreams that I forgot, that along the way I thought I didn’t deserve or thought I wasn’t enough. Even when we think we see the big picture, we’re still don’t see EVERYTHING. You knew I was meant to entertain, but we just didn’t have internet as a venue more than 30 years ago! I started growing my YouTube channel in April, and I’m getting so close to my goal of 500 subscribers by 31 December 2021. To me that’s 500 subscribers who I may reach and bring some light to their day… raise the vibration.
Thank you for guiding me to where I was always going but I lacked patience and support from people aligned with my life’s mission and purpose… I feel it coming together. Magic and miracles. Manifestations. Music and love. Love, hope, and healing.
The Princess of Spring, I am. I believe in my heart.
I believe in my heart.
Love n miss you, Mommy, but I know you’re always with me… and the Keets… and Daddy… and My Brudders. Thank you for helping me see my mission and purpose. Now to keep going and bring to life what I believe in my heart.
Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward for this faith is to see what we believe.”
– Saint Augustine
Change will not come from waiting; change comes from action. If you want change, make change. Don’t sit around waiting for change to show up in your life.”
– Avina Celeste
Luceat lux vestra.