“I accept that my inner voice will always guide me correctly”
– James Van Praagh, The Soul’s Journey Lesson Cards, Trust

When I woke up this morning and looked at the clock, it read 6:54. I think I mentioned in another post that here lately I have woken up on my own, unassisted by an alarm at 6:54. It’s not every day; it’s not only when I’ve gone to sleep before midnight; it’s not gone unnoticed.
I felt a nudge like when I had a similar experience in December 2018. Could it be a Bible verse? This morning when I was looking up verses to figure out if anything felt connected, of the Google search results for 6:54 bible verses, the sites/citations that felt like they could possibly make sense were:
“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”
John 6:54 NIV
In looking for more about John 6:54, I ran across this piece about a 2014 episode of The Walking Dead. Yes, I chuckled a little bit considering the TWD humor during stay-at-home orders.
“The Classical Greek writers used the word meno meaning, ‘to stay,’ ‘stand fast,’ ‘remain’ or ‘abide.’ It has the idea to remain at home, or stay where you are and not wander off.”
–Abide in Christ
I laughed. Divine guidance for stay-at-home orders? Eh, not so much… although going to visit my mom at the cemetery poses very minimal risk to Chief Daddy and me.
The mention of the classical Greeks did, however, remind me that recently reconnecting with one of my favorite philosophy professors has a purpose even if I have yet to understand why. I feel certain about the divine orchestration. What I remember most from his Ethics course is Philosophies of Love. (I believe that link goes to the correct book. I’ll have to check when I’m back in NC.) It’s inevitable that I will write more about love because of the importance in choosing love instead of fear.
54 As soon as they got out of the boat, people recognized Jesus. 55 They ran throughout that whole region and carried the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. 56 And wherever he went—into villages, towns or countryside—they placed the sick in the marketplaces. They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.
Mark 6:54-56 NIV
No, even with COVID-19, this didn’t feel like anything to me, but here I am sharing it because who the fuck knows what messenger I’m supposed to be. If this sparked something for you, you’re welcome. 😉
54. And after these, Adam also, whom thou madest lord of all thy creatures: of him come we all, and the people also whom thou hast chosen.55. All this have I spoken before thee, O Lord, because thou madest the world for our sakes.56. As for the other people, which also come of Adam, thou hast said that they are nothing, but be like unto spittle: and hast likened the abundance of them unto a drop that falleth from a vessel.57. And now, O Lord, behold, these heathen, which have ever been reputed as nothing, have begun to be lords over us, and to devour us.58. But we thy people, whom thou hast called thy firstborn, thy only begotten, and thy fervent lover, are given into their hands.59. If the world now be made for our sakes, why do we not possess an inheritance with the world? how long shall this endure?
2 Esdras 6:54-59 KJV
wordswordwordwordswords… I had to read it a couple of times. One more laugh at myself for asking, “2 Esdras? I didn’t even know there was a 1 Esdras!” and yes, that’s getting too far out of my scope, and you may feel all “wordswordswordswordswords” with this post as I did with 2 Esdras. Feel free to Google that shit and go down the Esdras rabbit hole.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
I know, I know… “That’s not a 6:54 verse!” but in searching via Google, one of the results is an Etsy listing, Proverbs 3:5-6 #54.
And that clicked.
Yesterday I was catching up with a friend who knows she is on the right track on her path but feeling a little uncertain. I enjoyed hearing her go through her thoughts and feelings about past and present and trying to gain a vision for her future.
The best I could do was reflect back to her, that she sounds like she intuitively knows all is well and that she can trust her intuition. She reminded me of myself doing the same thing, needing outside affirmation for what we already know and can trust if we allow ourselves to do so. Believe the little voice coming from our hearts before our heads have a chance to think and confuse us.
A bit later, I felt like she could use a card for guidance, but not the fairy deck. I felt pulled by the James Van Praagh deck, The Soul’s Journey Lesson Cards. And while I was shuffling, one card slipped from the deck.
Luceat lux vestra.