In my previous post, Ruts and Rollercoasters, I mentioned:
“I felt compelled to pull a Sacred Rebel card, which was “After the Storm” and it felt soooo inline with my ruts and rollercoasters as well as dealing with Mercury Retrograde and my need to get grounded.”
Card pulled on 15 February 2020
If the Sacred Rebel Oracle deck is unfamiliar to you, please click the link to get a general understanding of why this deck called to me. I am trying to remember how I found it (or how it found me), but I felt relieved that Ms. Fairchild’s deck seemed to be what I was needing at that point in my journey… one of those ruts… The guidance and healing continues to help me get past creative blocks which has become absolutely essential to answering my true calling.
How to sum up this card? It is what it is! I promise you know the answer without reading the Sacred Rebels Guidebook. Allow yourself to imagine a thunderstorm – big or small, severe or not, an hour or a few minutes… then imagine after the storm has passed. How do you feel when the rain, wind, thunder, and lightning are all gone? How do you feel when the clouds have passed and the sun shines on you?
“After the Storm” was fitting for last week when I was really REALLY feeling stuck and lost, but I’ve since gotten the feeling that it’s a bigger storm – could have been the past few months, past year, or even several years. All I am certain of is that part of what feels surreal this past week is the sense that I have reconnected with myself – the essence of me who sometimes got buried under my roles – worker bee, partner, mother, daughter, sister, friend…
The other day someone asked, “What do you do for a living?” I know that’s an understood way of asking about my job or career as opposed to asking the direct question, such as “How do you make money?”, but I answered, “I take care of my dad and write.”
Getting through storms really does suck sometimes, but whatever this last one was, all that wind and rain cleared away a lot of junk and revealed what’s been there all along. I don’t even have to look – I can feel sun painting a rainbow making my tiara sparkle brighter.
Luceat lux vestra.