“Do not give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.”
– Paolo Coelho, The Alchemist

Happy Tacos and Tiaras Tuesday!
All I can do is tell you how my day is going, which includes that I saw 11:11 shortly after I started this post. Actually, my thoughts for this blog post started yesterday, and I’ve had to let it flow.
So here it is…
for you…
Sunday night or Monday morning, I dreamed about my friend’s puppy, and I didn’t think too much about it because I see him on Instagram all the time. So when I went out to Instagram later, I saw his mom posted that she had to take him to the emergency vet, posts from a few days ago mentioned behaviors and symptoms… And well, you know how I feel about coincidences…
Coincidences do not exist.
Yesterday and today I was in contact with his mom… We’re going to try something new later today… when I’m able to focus and slow down and meditate first because it’s important to connect to my heart for it… I checked in with two of my mentors even though I knew what they would say, but I couldn’t quite process it on my own. So today I’m trying one of the things from which I’ve been running… It came up in a reading with Amanda a few months ago, and advised me of my mission and purpose, but well, you know, scary things because of fear of being labeled and all that…
Yesterday I was feeling a little troubled and distracted about a few things even though I could hear my heart whispering and trying to tell my mind to STFU, and I was trying to be all-zen-and-shit by focusing on the present and not getting too far ahead of myself and DEFINITELY with quieting my mind so I could hear my heart, hear my intuition… I also noticed 111 several times yesterday, so of course, I had to go and find the angel message.
“Be careful to think only about the things you want to manifest in your life, never about those you fear. Use this period wisely, because the time has come to manifest your desires and goals which are aligned with your soul mission and purpose in this life.”
– https://angelnumber.org/111-angel-number-meaning-and-symbolism
Last night instead of beginning to write this post, I felt called to write in my journal. (Thank you, Jaclyn, for letting love win over fear and shining your light.) I felt empowered by writing self-affirming statements, but when I wrote gratitude statements, I felt lifted… further inspired… the MAGIC of sincerely feeling grateful for all that I have received since I started making a conscious effort to tune into my heart and allow its guidance to help me. The path of love over fear. It’s everyday magic.
But of course, I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t in some way still trying to make logical sense of things, but I’m learning… and growing… and healing… and finding that I still rely on synchronicities and guideposts more than I need to in order to “get a green light” to follow the path that calls me.
Even with beginning to write this post, I felt like I needed more focus, so I consulted my Fairy Tarot deck, which provided guidance from the Four of Summer: “Being distracted and failing to see a magical opportunity. Taking someone or something for granted. Discontentment with life.” Additional meanings of the card mentioned the power of meditation. The guidebook also noted, “Daily life can be full of hectic activities. You could grow distracted and not notice opportunities that are being offered to you. You may become so focused on what you don’t have that you completely discount the gifts that you have been given… Heaven is always offering you magical presents, but you have to be open to experiencing these gifts.”
Earlier today I was looking for “signs” to help quiet my mind and stumbled onto this with one in my soul tribe: “…the best I can explain is the universe intended the physical distance as part of a lesson… and I’m getting it…” I felt more pull of this statement when I noticed the conversation was on 11/11.
And here I am writing this. And here you are reading this. And maybe you’ll be wiser than me by trusting your intuition and choosing love over fear sooner than I did.
I feel grateful to you for reading.
I feel grateful to the one who yesterday supported me with two simple words. “Be you.”
Words can go a long way. Always use ones driven by compassion, empathy, kindness, and love. Not just for others, but for yourself.
And allow your everyday magic to make a difference.
Luceat lux vestra.