This morning I found myself on the receiving end of a random act of kindness. I was having trouble with using my phone to pay for my purchase at Walgreens, so I asked my favorite clerk to hold the items while I went home and figured out why it wasn’t behaving as it normally does.
I went back after I thought I resolved it, but again, I received a processing error. Strike two.
At home I read through the Help documentation, made a couple of changes, and went to Walgreens a third time. I announced, “I think I have it figured out!”
My favorite clerk grabbed my bags from behind the counter and said, “Merry Christmas from George Michael!”
I advised her that I still had to pay, but she informed me that it was already taken care of by George Michael and laughed while showing me a picture of the late George Michael in her badge holder. All I can say is I felt very blessed, and I thanked her.
Oh, and while George Michael is part of this topic, I’m still not sure why some folks feel strong dislike for Last Christmas by Wham!, but without it, we couldn’t have made tasteless jokes about it in 2017, a year after George Michael died.
And when I got out to my car, I cried. My heart has felt so full because I’ve received more than enough support and kindness when I’ve asked for it whether I’ve asked for social media followers/subscribers and shares of posts or even help with gas money because I used almost the last of the fuel in my car to give someone a safe ride home when they asked for my help. (I asked without explaining why I was in the situation, and I feel grateful to my friends who were kind and generous because they know I would not ask for help without a good reason for doing so.)
Today I received kindness that I didn’t ask for, but someone else felt I was worthy of receiving. For that I feel grateful. And the attitude of gratitude keeps the momentum of paying it forward.
With the funds that I would have used on my purchase, I donated it to a local charity. I feel hopeful that the ripple effect continues beyond what I can see.
And now I’m returning to my intended blog post already in progress. 😉
Luceat lux vestra.