“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
– Marcel Proust

Happy Tacos and Tiaras Tuesday! Truth be told, I’m cranky AF because at 20:00 I thought it was a lot later in the evening than it actually was. I even posted on Facebook, “How TF is it only 8:00 PM???”
I’m trying to be all-zen-and-shit, so maybe writing will help me process all that’s stuck in my head and weighing on my heart because I’m stuck between endings and beginnings. And stuck isn’t a place where I like to be for very long, especially after so much momentum last week.
Today was different because normally I just create TnT content on Tuesday and post it at some point, but today I was in an all-day meeting and will be doing the same tomorrow. I feel like I need to adjust and accept that sometimes I will have to create content ahead of Tuesday instead of letting it come to me on Tuesday. Go with the flow… allow change…
This post is something that came to me a few minutes ago as I was stuck with the same thoughts nagging me since whatever day they first arrived… yesterday… the day before… I dunno. The only thing of which I’m certain is I need to let them go because those thoughts are dragging me down a bit… anchoring me to a space that I need to move through… and keep going…
I ran across a Facebook memory: “Some people are going to leave, but that’s not the end of your story. That’s the end of their part in your story” and when I shared that post, I captioned it with, “And sometimes you know when to end their part in your story and cut them loose.”
I also found a current post from Healing Energy Tools for today, 17 November 2020. “The Universe is saying to you today: ‘Some situations that no longer positively serve you will be coming to an end. Be positive and enthusiastic about this as exciting and life-changing opportunities will soon enter your life. Step into your own power and make your life as you wish it to be.'”
Those two posts feel like they fit together with the departures about which I was feeling sad, but then I realized the arrivals for which they made space. I absolutely do feel grateful to the people who were “charming gardeners” but are gone. Recently one was the link between me and a new connection who fits the description of “make our souls blossom” for which I am also grateful. I feel a little less sad about the departure because the arrival also brought inspiration and possibilities.
One departure felt like maybe I needed to evaluate how much I shine, but that didn’t last long. I heard myself when I was telling someone else what I needed to hear. “You can’t control how people receive what you send out when you’re being authentically you.” I found myself back at Rebecca Campbell’s Light is the New Black. “Don’t dim to fit in.” So yeah, if I’m just too much fucking sunshine for someone else’s insecurities, I feel beyond certain that’s their problem, not mine. And with that, I let it go.
And I reminded myself – compassion. empathy. kindness. love.
I feel even more gratitude for the people who bring sunshine to my days.
And I’m still shining.
Luceat lux vestra.