Yup. I’ve discovered those words set off my most powerful magic.
What it translates to is I’m ready for change. I set a boundary. I recognize a situation, person, or whatever no longer serves my highest good. I have to let go of the weight so I can rise.
I may not wave a magic wand right after I say, “Fuck this shit” but waving a wand is an action.
That’s it.
As a child, I heard magic of words like “Abracadabra” and “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo” or even “A la peanut butter sandwiches” and “Mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho”. 😉
As an adult, I finally hear myself and my magic words that trigger the positive changes even if “Fuck this shit” sounds negative. Nothing falls into my lap, and if I ever think it does, I later recognize Law of Attraction and Law of Abundance. The universe heard my magic words and felt my faith and commitment to creating and receiving better. It was just waiting for my action to serve as a green flag to begin making it so. Coincidences do not exist.
We probably have some magic words in common:
- Fuck this shit
- I’m done
- I’m so over it
- I deserve better
- This isn’t what I thought it would be
- I gotta do something else
- I am capable of better than this
- I can do that
- If they can do it, so can I
Those are my top 9. 😉 Y’know, my life path number.
Magic words + action = your authentic life
And remember to top it off with affirmation and gratitude: I AM WORTHY. I am grateful for all I have and all that is to come.
I know I keep saying “Luceat lux vestra” or “Let your light shine”, but always remember to SHINE FOR YOURSELF FIRST.
YOU are always going to be on your path even when it feels like a no one is with you, but you need your light FOR YOU as much as others need to be able to find you and travel the journey together.
Luceat lux vestra.