“Be grateful; you have much to celebrate! Deep feelings of peace and happiness. A contented personal life.”
– Radleigh Valentine, Fairy Tarot Cards, Four of Spring

Now that I have a clearer path on telling the story of what happened for me in India, I felt less like I need guidance with writing. My morning ritual with my cards is changing; my relationship with my cards is growing. This morning my inquiry for guidance was simple. “What message do you have for me today?” Four of Spring.
Mind you, when I started writing this morning, I began with how I woke up at 6:54. Again. That ended up being its own post. When I let it flow, the message took on a life of its own. Focused. When I published it, I had a warm feeling about it reaching others who like me, my friend mentioned in the post, and likely others, sometimes need a little reassurance about our intuition. Trust the little voice.
Four of Spring. The cards bear summaries, but the accompanying guidebook for the deck offers more details to help with interpreting the message. And the first line from the guidebook delivered a clear message to continue with a point from yesterday in Manifesting: New Moon Intentions.
“Gratitude is a powerful manifesting energy in the Universe… Taking time to say ‘thank you’ to your family, co-workers, the fairies, and God creates a circular flow that brings even more abundance. Every day, give thanks for something in your life. You can do so aloud or just in your prayers.”
– Radleigh Valentine, Fairy Tarot Cards Guidebook, Four of Spring
And now that I’m writing, I feel like that bit of the message is complete.

Four. Four stood out when I was looking at the card. I have no existing connection to 4 that comes to mind, so it was time to see what angel number 4 means.
I know when I find the message that was meant for me because I giggle or laugh. Now and then it’s an “I could have had a V8” moment. Today I found more than one message or reminder within one site.
“Angel number 4 may also be telling us that we need to be dedicated and disciplined in our pursuit of our career goals and personal development. The angels are telling you to be conscientious in your work, taking care of details with seriousness.
Your angels are always looking out for you, willing to help you in any way they can. Seeing angel number 4 is a sign that the Universe is working on your behalf.
With dedication, energy, and perseverance you can co-create your desires with the help of your angels and realize your full potential.
I had to go back to find a previous message that came to mind… one in which my card guidance emphasized “dedication and self-discipline. Celebrating your accomplishments.” The card is The Chariot. Yes, I found it in Rise, posted on 15 April 2020, less than a week ago.
…and it’s all continuing to flow…
Luceat lux vestra.