“You can do anything! Take charge of your life. You can manifest what you need to be a success.”
– Radleigh Valentine, Fairy Tarot Cards, 1 – The Magician

I shuffled my deck this morning while asking, “What guidance do I need for writing today?”
Bwahahaha In Media Res – Chief Daddy just asked if I want to go and visit Mom, i.e. make our daily trek to the cemetery… go with the flow… I’ll return… probably with something more to offer than if I kept typing right now.
…and I’m back…
The Magician. Manifesting. The Law of Attraction. Sometimes manifesting sounds very silly depending on the approach, and many resources are out there with how-to information and their own hook. How to manifest all of your dreams. How to manifest money. How to manifest romance.
A lot of what I’ve asked for has been less worldly and sometimes for others. I loosely can compare it to when my mom taught me how to pray, but instead of completely surrendering all of it to something bigger than us (a divine power), I know I still have to do my part when I receive the tools and knowledge for making it so.
We cannot influence someone else’s will, but we can ask for a better world for others. Even with all of the fear-driven behavior going on right now in our world, we can choose to be loving in our words and deeds. We can be the light and keep it glowing even when situations feel darker than we wish them to be.
No matter what I’ve wanted in this lifetime or what rituals, exercises, and meditations I’ve done, I feel like I could list at least a dozen common keys, but one has been my master key.
In 2013, when I fell into the habit of ending each night with a positive thought, that was actually a product of the challenge of 30 Days of Thanks in November 2012. The positive thoughts had underlying gratitude even if I didn’t mention it in my posts.
Our thoughts and energy attract more of the like, and I’ve experienced ongoing improvement in my life from where I was in and before 2012.
The next new moon is at 22:27 EDT (10:27 PM) on 22 April 2020. In the time leading up to it, I will reflect on the past month and plan my intentions for manifesting.
Following the moon’s phases is as good a schedule as any although I experienced improvements in receiving what I ask for since I started using the moon as a guide. (This hasn’t been a scientific method approach, so perhaps it isn’t timing. Perhaps I’ve grown in being honest with myself and believing in myself.) I have to reiterate: maintaining the energy and mindset of gratitude plus “Good thoughts, good deeds, good words” (Freddie Mercury) is the foundation.
At some point, I will make my own guide available to highlight what has worked for me based on the bits and pieces I’ve learned or even felt called to do without reading it somewhere else. I feel the calling to share it, but it hasn’t flowed yet and as I’ve noted before, chasing it only stalls it. 🙁
I feel hopeful that as more of us choose compassion, kindness, and love in our thoughts, words, and actions to each other and especially within ourselves, the better chance we have in finding balance together. I feel hopeful that people will start to see the fingers pointing back at them when they judge or are unkind to others and will make the time to cultivate new habits and untrain themselves from those actions and reactions.
For now, this is my basic guidance and not a complete list:
- Allow yourself to be sincerely grateful for all that you have.
- Allow yourself to treat what you want as though you already have it and imagine all of your senses enjoying it.
- Allow yourself to believe you deserve and are worthy of all that you desire.
- Allow yourself to be brave in stating exactly what you want because this is the law of attraction. If you use “no/not” in your intention, you may attract what you don’t want.
- Allow yourself to let go of whatever weighs you down. Allow yourself to heal.
- Allow yourself to be grounded in compassion and kindness.
- Allow yourself to trust and have patience in the process.
- Allow your light to shine. You do deserve to dream and for your dreams to come true.
I could have worded that list differently, but I wanted to drive the point: allow yourself. This is a choice and no one can do any of it for you. You have to choose it. You have to do it. Allow yourself to have a peaceful existence. Y’know, being all-zen-and-shit. 😉
Whether or not one uses this list for manifesting and attracting what they desire, it’s still a positive way of living. Treat yourself well. Treat others well. Believe me, I still have my work to do when it comes to my choices, but when it comes to the choice of love or fear, I will always choose love. For me. For you. For the world.
Luceat lux vestra.