9 – Peacemaker, My Enneagram Personality Type
The other day I did the enneagram personality type “test” out of curiosity although I admit that more than half the time, I like to do those tests so I can call them crap. LOLz These online tests often are too generalized to provide anything more than a read on what the participant is thinking or feeling at that moment.
After I completed mine, I received the result: 9 – The Peacemaker. (For the record, my life path number is 9. Ooh!) The conclusion of the description reads: “You’re a true diplomat that unites total opposites. World peace may very well be on your shoulders. Are you up for the task?”
And I laughed. Everything is falling into place. I am up for the task because I am already doing it. I’ve been doing it. I have been letting my light shine authentically in hopes of helping others to do the same. No person can bring about world peace on their own, but it all begins by creating peace within ourselves. Y’know? Being all-zen-and-shit. 😉
I had to laugh. At my own short-sightedness. For months now, I have been chasing instead of allowing. Chasing a clearer view of my calling… my purpose… my service to others… Chasing alignment to build my professional business… [Note: check out the podcast by Lauren Matera for more information on “Is it Hustle or Align?”] I spend every day being a peacemaker for free… at least monetarily. What I have been earning is beyond money, and my only need for money is the following:
“We have clothes on our backs and shoes on our feet. We have food in our bellies, a roof over our heads, and each night we slumber in comfortable beds. Needs are met. Wants are few. I could not ask for more.”
– Leenie’s Nightly Attitude of Gratitude
I laugh because I manifested this from writing my goal in my Passion Planner on 3 July 2019: leave Corporate America by October 2019.
I laugh because when I was nudged out that door at the end of August 2019 (and earlier than I “planned” on leaving), I was a little scared because I had done very little beyond securing my domain for this blog, but I trusted a divine spirit and timing. I believed (and still do) that if I have the courage to state what I want and believe I deserve it, the divine spirit will orchestrate it to help me make it so. I still have to hold up my end of the bargain and do the work, but the universe helps to make all of it not only possibility but also reality.
I laugh because I was thinking maybe being all-zen-and-shit and the bliss of mindfulness was actually being blissfully ignorant instead of living my old patterns of hustle, anxiety, stress…
I laugh because I haven’t given up. And I have a better focus on what matters and feel grateful for everything I have even without receiving any steady income and I sure as hell am not independently wealthy. Somehow I’ve been getting by, and divine orchestration keeps me on the playing field.
Just when I begin to feel ready to give up, something else happens and I feel supported to KEEP GOING and just keep seeing the magic and miracles in every day and continue being a light for others to follow and do the same.
Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers
I have many go-tos to fuel my zen, but the main one is music. My favorite band, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers (RCPM), has been posting Quarantine Sessions on Facebook. They sound way better than my you’ll-get-the-gist-even-though-I-sound-shitty videos, which is pretty easy to do, LOLz I admire every artist who found their alignment and makes the world a more beautiful place through their talents whether music, art, service… They shine. They inspire. I love seeing how many people and groups are coming forward and SHINING!
Roger, PH, Jim, and Nick are SHINING their light in a time when we collectively need to illumine our hearts with the universal love that connects all of us. Love instead of fear. Sharing our passions to raise the vibration.
When I was recording my videos, I felt inspired by one of their songs, Better Beautiful than Perfect. Well, how about that? I just realized how much this song pops into my head when I get caught up in trying to make something “just so”, in other words PERFECT, instead of putting it out there and letting it be beautiful in its purpose and beautiful in leading others to being all-zen-and-shit
The RCPM website’s former URL is azpeacemakers. You can still find it as a Twitter handle, hashtag, and other uses. AZ Peacemakers, as in Arizona peacemakers. Or in Leenie Brain, “All Zen Peacemakers”. 😉 When I see AZ, I think A-Z… A to Z… beginning to ending… [I would go with Alpha and Omega, but Z is actually zeta which is the sixth letter in the Greek alphabet LOLz]
Beginning with peace and ending with peace. My mental morning soundtrack often turns to RCPM’s Hello New Day! Cultivate the habit of making that YOUR day. Peace and gratitude. Every dang inspirational quote you’ve read about starting the day with a positive thought and ending with a positive thought. Living with an attitude of gratitude. That is peace. That is being all-zen-and-shit. YOU DESERVE IT! Allow yourself to have peace and be a peacemaker.
Back to the alpha and the omega… eternity. The divine spirit. Love. In addition to The Beatitudes, “Blessed are the peacemakers…” I remember the guidance through Saint Francis of Assisi. When we practice this within ourselves, we are able to do the same for each other.
Prayer of St Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”
– St Francis of Assisi
Luceat lux vestra