I’m going to make this short and not-so-sweet. Until he was hospitalized in November, Chief Daddy visited Mommy’s grave everyday. This pic doesn’t show it very well, but the grass on her grave has not grown in like her neighbors’ grass because of my dad’s daily visits.
While they were married, Daddy didn’t buy flowers for Mommy even though she loved fresh flowers, particularly roses because of her novenas to Sainte Therese of Lisieux. She had some gladiola growing in the yard, so she would cut those during the season to enjoy in the house.
My parents were married nearly 52 years, so in the past year (and then some), Daddy brought enough bouquets to her grave for all of their anniversaries plus birthdays and Valentine’s Days during their marriage. And now he can’t even see Mommy smile or watch her face light up from something so simple.
Whatever you are facing, DO THE DAMN THING NOW. This isn’t about flowers and gifts. This is about LIVING so that you don’t later regret what you could have done, should have done, would have done… NO EXCUSES. And if it’s about doing something for another person, put your ego aside. Be the light.
Luceat lux vestra.