I decided to leave my previous post, In Media Res: Birthday Eve, as is instead of editing it now that I’ve slept and woken up on my birthday morning! I’ve also had a cup of coffee, so Leenie Brain is a little less foggy and tired. ๐
I look at publishing without editing as the writer equivalent of going out without wearing makeup. LOL It’s not always pretty, but writing from the heart is a natural flow of thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we need to experience the raw and pure mess. The honesty. The authenticity. The essence.
I appreciate and accept “it is what it is” without making it pretty or making it fit someone else’s standards. No overthinking. “To thine own self be true.”
This year I’m spending my birthday with Chief Daddy again. Earlier this week, a friend brought to my attention that the University of North Carolina at Greensboro is hosting the Emmylou Harris Songwriting Workshop. I felt excited that a hometown girl who made it big would be near my NC home until I realized I would be back in our hometown today. Instead of feeling disappointed, I received the notion that it was another guidepost that I’m on my own unique path, and I regained focus on my intentions for this new year. #itiswellwithmysoul
Twenty years ago when classmates.com was a free site, I used to comment on a music forum within my high school’s community. I connected with some alumni who I would not have otherwise “met”, and although I don’t remember his name, one of Ms. Harris’ classmates mentioned how students (pep club and cheerleaders if I remember correctly) were riding back from an away football game. Emmylou Harris serenaded the busload with Kathy Young and The Innocents’, A Thousand Stars – one of my all-time favorite songs. The alumni pride reminds me of Buddy the Elf about Santa hahaha “I KNOW HIM! I know him!”
Before the rest of the day gets away me, I best go and tackle some of the things I want to do today, especially in prep for the new moon beginning at 16:42. When I was driving up here yesterday, I was using talk-to-text to mention plans to visit “Acra Kwan” today, specifically Rockledge Mansion. I’m not sure if my phone doesn’t understand Algonquin or Southern, but whatever. I had a laugh!
Time to go and SHINE!
Luceat lux vestra.