I started this post on 22 November 2019, the week after one hospital admitted Chief Daddy for inpatient care, then two days after he was admitted to another hospital for more specialized care. More than a month later, I can’t remember accurately if the delay in getting back to this post was because I couldn’t get a firm grasp on what I wanted to say at the time or maybe too much was in the air with figuring out the causes of Chief’s symptoms. Of course posting it now feels like another Divine Orchestration.
I drew this Sacred Rebel Oracle Card on 14 November when I was still unsure of whether or not I needed to go up to NoVA, so I allowed the card’s guidance to assure me I was on the right path, making the right choice to go and simply be there with my dad. My Facebook memories today from last year included a quote:
“The greatest gift you can give someone is your TIME because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.”
-uncredited (unless I look it up to find out to whom this quote belongs LOL)
My supporting post on 1 January 2019:
“Welcome, 2019! If y’all are gonna do this ‘New Year, New Me’ nonsense, then please consider putting this at the top of your list for your transformation. Also consider every day is the first day of something new. Don’t wait until New Year’s Day! You have 364 other days to improve your life and the lives of others.”
– Eileen Perez regarding New Year’s resolutions
And there it is. “A journey within THE journey” that I can now define as a period from 14 November 2019 (see also Gimme Three Weeks) to 30 December 2019 (the first day of being apart from him for more than a couple of days). I’m certain that not any single thing was life-changing, but I do know I have been changed for good.
The things I learned or older lessons that were reinforced on this journey within THE journey:
- I can and do trust my intuition
- I naturally take care of others
- I am multilingual when it comes to love languages
- I am a peacemaker
- I am a lightworker
- I enjoy leading others to shine through laughter
- I feel confident that my life’s work is to inspire compassion, kindness, humor, and creativity
- I appreciate my family and friends who don’t quite understand what I’m doing but believe in me anyway
- At the end of every day, I am happy [click here for the related post]
Luceat lux vestra