If you want to give light to others, you have to glow yourself.”
– Thomas S. Monson

As I begin writing this blog post, I realize my previous one, Time and Timing, ended up being almost all about timing. Yesterday I had some reminders about TIME.
While I’ve been working on tying together Tacos and Tiaras and all its parts and pieces, TIME came to the forefront. I feel grateful for all of the kind words I receive about the content I create. Whether they’re videos or blog posts, and whether they reach many people and only a few leave a comment to tell me it brightened their day, I accomplished my mission.
I love how well-received my newer videos have been. I started sharing covers in which I added harmony, but they take more time and energy. I was getting too focused on the music. I watch those videos and feel like even though I’m smiling, what’s missing is the “glow” some of my friends mentioned to me.
I feel grateful for being able to share videos daily and that I hear that they’ve “made someone’s day” or made them smile or they look forward to my videos, and THAT’S my mission with creating content – being a “musical lightworker”.
This time last year, I would post “my best take” and on occasion post the out takes for a few laughs. They often included F-bombs, which were only funny to me because of HOW I would say “fuck”. LOLOLololol
Now I know my best work (and my work most aligned with my mission and purpose) comes from being most carefree while creating.
The past year (and especially the past four months because I’ve been focused on growing my YouTube channel) I fell into it – I did that thing that people tell you:
JUST GET STARTED and the rest will fall into place. BE AUTHENTICALLY YOU in creating YOUR content because that’s what makes your content unique. Stay focused on WHY you started and stay true to your mission and purpose.
So back to that thing I started to say about TIME… One of my soul tribe has been having challenges with feeling like their time isn’t appreciated, and yesterday I thought about it – YOU have to HONOR YOUR OWN TIME and others to follow suit. And I realized that’s the advice I needed for myself.
In my Downtown video captions, I shared my new approach to posting videos. Tacos and Tiaras (TnT) Tuesday will be the harmonized videos and the other four days will be simple recordings. I’ve reallocated my time so that I can still post daily and “be a light” and feel happy about the time I spend working on my videos and still have time for other things, like this blog and more things to come.
Speaking of upcoming things… that Tacos and Tiaras Second Birthday is a couple of days away… that blog post is in the works, and includes more that I could have said here, but I’ll save it.
I feel grateful for your time that you shared in reading this post or watching my videos…
… and thank you if appreciate my time in creating or writing…
The new flow in which my life is aligning feels like I’m shining brighter for ME, which enables me to be a light for you.
Luceat lux vestra.