Today is 4 December 2019. On 14 November, I started a new adventure in being all-zen-and-shit. This is just a quick post to say, “I’M BACK, BABY!”
I have had so much to write to both a general audience and to a specific audience, but making time to purge it all here has been difficult. The past three weeks have provided some serendipitous opportunities although calling any of this serendipity feels like a misnomer. I wasn’t looking for a dang thing, but another Divine Orchestration timed these events.
My upcoming series of blog posts will not be a chronological recounting of events. Some of it may seem like “Vaguebooking” because of lack of details, but much of my babbling has an essence that applies in varying situations. I would like to avoid getting focused on a symptom or ailment rather than viewing the heart of the matter.
Y’all best take some Dramamine because it’s quite likely that I’ll do that thing I do in which I have tangents and tangents of tangents. My goal (with a plan of course) is to start with the messages I feel will have the most impact. And I’ll probably have to throw in disclaimers throughout because this is me and my perspective from my own unique path. I am only one of your guideposts on your path, and I am hopeful that together we will help you to shine your own unique light brighter.
Luceat lux vestra.
✨♥️✨ We love tangents that have tangents.