So, I just ran across a post about Manifestation Day, Tuesday, June 30. [Oooh! Happy Tacos and Tiaras Tuesday!!!!!] Because of a rare alignment (Jupiter aligns with Pluto), it’s supposed to be a perfect day/night for manifesting what we want.
Manifestation used to sound very silly to me until I made the effort and tried it. Now from experience I can see the things I did right.
Manifesting reminds me of fitness and nutrition plans, such as losing weight or preparing for a bodybuilding competition. The things you need in order to succeed:
- Mindset. With both manifestation and competition prep, I had to be in the right mindset – focused on positives and “what could go right”, commitment to the goal, eyes on the prize, believing as though it already is… All of these in conjunction with a clear goal contributed to my success.
- Alignment. Aligning with the right people or things in my life directly affects my success, or at least the ease of being successful. Part of aligning is letting go of what does not serve us. My competition nutrition plan had no room for processed foods because they negatively affect building muscle and burning fat. Likewise, my intentions have no room anything or anyone that negatively impact them manifesting… and that goes back to mindset as well.
- Trust the process. The guidance and support of someone who’s successfully competed or manifested have also helped me to succeed. If I feel discouraged when I’m not seeing progress in the timeline I think I should, my coach or advisor keep me on track, give me a pep talk, and guide me to remembering basics.
- DO THE WORK. Even with getting my mindset right and trusting the process, I still need to do my part. Using The Law of Attraction certainly helps me with the mindset part of manifesting, but like it is with competition prep, I have my actions to complete for bringing what I want into being.
- Be consistent. Period.
- Gratitude. I’ve mentioned the importance of feeling grateful in previous posts… please feel free to search my blog if you wish to read more about gratitude. 🙂
One of the most accurate things is writing down goals or having visuals increases our chance of being successful. When I started my first adventure as a competitor, I used a Passion Planner for not only my competition but also all of my dreams. Since then, exercises of scribbling out all of my dreams/goals and creating the passion road map for each has helped me to focus and do my part. I don’t know how to explain how some other things outside of my control fall into place, but with the Law of Attraction, the Universe finds a way to make it happen for you.
I recommend watching Netflix to view The Secret at least once. I had already read about The Law of Attraction and The Law of Abundance from other sources before I viewed it the first time, and I still enjoy it for background noise while I’m working or cleaning the house.
Whether or not you participate in Manifestation Day to bring one of your desires into your physical reality, as always, end your day with reflection on all the things for which you are grateful. Feeling gratitude allows more things for which to be grateful to enter your life. And if anything, the attitude of gratitude may help to usher in a more restful sleep for you tonight.
Luceat lux vestra.
I have manifested before; I actually called karma on someone. Twice. It is was a bit shocking to realize how things aligned the first time, because I didn’t believe it was possible. Recently, I was in such pain and confusion I manifested an event to get a person out of my hair. Again, it worked. But…. they say be careful what you wish for, and so I am trying to be careful in how I manifest things. It can be a powerful force and for me, skewed consequences. I believe that alignment happens as part of a larger design.
Hi Vickie! Yes, a BIG emphasis on being absolutely certain about wanting what we ask for. Thank you for sharing and stopping by – I appreciate you and your presence. 🙂