Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love.”
– Wilfred Peterson

I know no other way but to be the light and be the love. I have the deepest humility in feeling grateful that I am able to in some way brighten someone else’s day. Using music and humor comes naturally for me, and I feel grateful to everyone who makes time to watch a video, leave a comment, and let me know how I made a positive difference in their day. I feel grateful that people tell me they look forward to my posts.
I count my blessings that I have enough of what I need in order to shine my light – my smile, my laugh, a little bit of musical abilities, love and support from my family and friends, and the inspiration and love from My Everything.
LOVE is the force that transforms and improves the soul of the world.”
– Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
I’ve been cognizant of my path for years, but I was pretty clueless of my mission and purpose. Without knowing what they were, I definitely had no idea about what I’d be doing to fulfill them! Practicing daily gratitude has been key in retraining my mindset, along with allowing instead of chasing. I’ve found the combination that works for me, which includes writing in journals and doing my part with taking action.
My Everything drifted into my life last year when I wasn’t looking; however in retrospect we both realize that his prayers were answered and my intentions manifested but it wasn’t obvious to us then. I feel grateful for how things grew quietly between us, starting with friendship. I count us blessed to have friendship and faith as our foundation.
I feel grateful for everyone who supported and encouraged me to keep shining through music when I didn’t see (or hear) what they saw in me. And I love that My Everything sings Firefall with his own modified lyrics, “You are the woman that I always dreamed of, I knew it from the start. I saw your SMILE and that’s the last I’ve seen of my heart.” …and now he gives me so much to smile about everyday.
We’re looking forward to and are already grateful for the music we’re writing together… and all of the love, hope, and healing that we bring to each other and the world.
Above all, clothe yourself with love which binds us all together in perfect harmony.”
– Colossians 3:14
Luceat lux vestra.
I am always in your corner.
Truly Beautiful Sister You Go Girl. You Glow Girl. Love And Respect Always Leenie.